Monday, 22 December 2014

The 5SOS Tag

Hello beautiful people, hope you are well? 

I have been doing this little blog thing for a while now and realised that probably most of the people who read it have no bloody idea who the heck I am or anything about me so I thought I would do the 5SOS tag so you can get to know me a bit better and about how I am a 5SOS fan! :D

This tag was created by the beautiful @Alexandra5SOS on YouTube, check her channel out here, she is a 5SOS fan based channel and creates videos all about 5SOS so make sure you subscribe to her! :D

Anyway there are 10 questions I will answer (I had to adapt some of the original ones so I could fit them on the blog) so here we go!

Q1. Who is your favourite member of 5 Seconds of Summer and Why?

Let's get down to business and not beat around the bush, I'm an Ashton girl. Always have been since 2012 and the days of the emo fringe! You are lying if you say you don't have a favourite, although I love them all Ashton is just the one that I am more attracted to? It's hard to explain because honestly I'd take them all in a heartbeat! haha but I think me and Ashton have similar personalities and yeah I dunno he just is ok!

Q2. How did you find out about 5SOS?

I found out about 5SOS in October 2012 through being on twitter. I saw some girls tweeting them and decided to check out who they were. I saw they did covers on Youtube and at the time I was a huge Justin Bieber fan and I saw they had covered Next To You. Ever since I have been hooked. Here ends the story.

Q3. What is your favourite 5 Seconds of Summer Cover?

As I said previously Next To You was the first one I watched so I will always have memories of that! But currently my favourite covers they do is I Miss You and What I Like About You.

Q4. Favourite thing about the #5SOSFAMILY

I have found from experience that they are all (mostly) so loving and genuinely care about the boys and the music. We are all (again mostly) nice and welcoming to each other and honestly if it wasn't for 5SOS I wouldn't have met some of my best friends. The family always look out for the boys and lets be real when there is a mob or just drama *cough about groupies cough* we all defend 5SOS to the end and I think that's incredible. And we are all funny as f**k.

Q5. What is your favourite 5SOS song?

I have so many. Really it depends on what mood I am in and everyday I have a different song stuck in my head. However from forever ago my favourite song has been Beside You. When I first heard it I loved it and ever since it has been one for my faves. I also love End Up Here, Disconnected, Wherever You Are, If You Don't Know (which is so underrated) and Voodoo Doll. Basically them all but I just picked a few favourites.

Q6. What 5 Seconds of Summer merch do you have?

(To be clear not bragging when I say this I'm just answering the question)

I have all the EP's, the album, the live album, 2 t-shirts (white logo one and one with their faces on it) the book, the calendar, wristband, album cover poster and that's it. Not as much as a lot of people have but hey I'm a broke fangirl what can I say. 

Q7. Have you ever met 5SOS? tell us what happened!

Unfortunately no I have never met them! :( BUT I hope to meet them next year on their tour! *touches wood so I don't jinx myself*

Q8. Do 5SOS follow you on twitter/tumblr?

Again none of them follow me on twitter (I don't have tumblr cause I don't have a clue how to work the darn thing!) BUT the 5SOS band account have retweeted me which was fucking amazing and I think I died a little when it happened! :D Link to that tweet here

Q9. Draw 5SOS in under 3 minutes 

Not gonna lie this took longer than 3 minutes but hey using paint to draw a masterpiece is hard ok - 

I tried ok. Guess who is who? 😂

Q10. Describe 5SOS in one word

I sat for like 10 minutes trying to think of what to say and all I think of is balls but I don't think that is quite appropriate! So I'm gonna go with NormalBoysLivingTheirDreamsAndAre IncrediblyTalentedAndChangedPeoplesLives - all one word right? ;)

But seriously I don't think they realise just how many people's lives they have changed/saved because of their music and they are still the same dorky boys that I fell in love with over 2 years ago.

So that ends the 5SOS tag. If you read it then please comment and share. Also I encourage you to do the tag as well whether it be through blogging or a YouTube video! If you do it please tweet me so I can read it as well!

Side Note - I normally upload on a Thursday as well but since it is Christmas on Thursday and New years Day the Thursday after I will only be uploading on Monday.

Finally I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, I hope Santa brings you everything you got and if you asked for 5SOS then sorry but they will be at my house. Sorry! ;)

Love, @5SOSFamDerpCon (follow me, we can be friends!)

Thursday, 18 December 2014

What Is A 'Fangirl'?

Hello all,

Today we are going to be talking about the big facade that is the typical, everyday 'fangirl'

For all those of you who are reading this and have no idea what a fangirl is let me break it down for you very quickly. In today's society there is a big phenomenon around 'celebrities' such as singers, bands, actors, Youtuber's etc and along with that these people build up masses of fans, many of the very dedicated fans that follow their idols every move are becoming known as 'fangirls/boys' 

Although there is nothing harmless in being a fangirl, in my opinion anyway as I myself would class myself as a 'fangirl', some people outside of fan bases, typically the older generation (no ageism intended of course) have this strange idea that fangirls are crazy, deluded teenage girls who stalk One Direction and do nothing else with their lives except stay online all day. 

Well I am here to explain to you all that this isn't in fact the case (don't get me wrong, there is crying and stalking involved in some instances but not everyday.)

So where exactly am I going with this you might ask yourself? I am going to take you on a journey to the very root of why fangirls exist and the purpose of fangirling. Prepare yourself.

If you consider yourself to be a fangirl of someone or something then more than likely you will have a twitter account. That's where fangirls mostly meet and tweet each other all about what is going on with their idol. I know everyone always says 'Be careful of everyone on the internet, they are all creepy old perverts' when in fact not one person that I have met on twitter has turned out to be that, that I know off. In fact I have met most of my best friends on Twitter because of our common love of a certain thing, aka other fangirls. If you wanna become my friend then hit me up on twitter, @5SOSFamDerpCon unless you are in fact a creepy old pervert, then don't.

Fan-girls would love and support their idol to their death, showing immense dedication to the fanbase. Some say obsessive, we say love. With being a fangirl comes a lot of responsibility. I will use myself as an example. I am clearly a fangirl of the band 5SOS, so with that I find myself buying all their music, voting for them for awards, tweeting them constantly, obviously making fun of them for being complete idiots sometimes but then again that is just the fanbase. Buying their merchandise (e.g t-shirts, calenders, books, wristbands etc) and of course getting tickets to see them in concert. (if you're lucky!) You may think to yourself 'wow, what a waste of money for a stupid band that you'll grow out off' but that's where people are wrong. There is more to fangirling than just spending your money on people. 

Many fangirls dedicate their lives to these people because they saved them. They are the only piece of happiness they have in their life and they want to pay them back for all the good things they have done for them. For some people a band or singer's song might be the only reason they are still here today. It might sound outrageous to some of you, but it's true. Music speaks and saves people. 

Some people consider themselves fans of a band if they enjoy a certain song, which is totally fine and awesome if you support a song by a band, but spare a thought for the people whose lives this band have actually saved whether it be through just a simple tweet or even a song. 

I realise this is probably really long and babbly and won't make sense to many people but it was something that I needed to get off my chest because fangirls sometimes get such a bad name and are made out by the media to be these obsessed, over excited crazy chicks who hide in Justin Bieber's bin outside his house and hopefully what you can take from this today is that we aren't like that at all (most of us) but in fact we are normal human beings who just happen to love a certain person or people and dedicate our lives to them. 

"Being a fangirl isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle." - Quote by Myself.

If you enjoyed this then please comment and share with those who have no idea what your life is actually like being a fangirl and this might show them!? haha and also if you want more posts like this then tweet me! :D

Until next time, 


Ps. Sorry for the lack of posts, I have been dealing with some thins but I am back! :D

Sunday, 23 November 2014

5SOS Fan Christmas Gift Guide

Hello fellow 5SOS fam!

Today I bring the ultimate 5SOS Fan's Christmas Gift Guide! I have scoured all over Etsy and of course the 5SOS Merch store to bring you all the best (in my opinion) gifts for you to put on your list's for Santa or if you have a friend that is obsessed with 5SOS (Hint - ME!) Then these would be awesome gifts to give them this Christmas!

Without any more rambling here is my 5SOS fan gift guide for Christmas 2014! I have tried to keep everything under £10 so it is budget friendly! :D 

(If you scroll over the words beside the pictures it will send you to the link on where to purchase the item!)

1 - 5SOS Live Album (LiveSOS) was obviously my first choice for this gift guide! 5SOS will be releasing their live album which includes 15 live song versions and is available to pre-order RIGHT NOW! It will be released on the 15th December - perfect time for Christmas ;) 

Live SOS CD Album - £9.99
                             $16.99 (USD)
                             â‚¬12.99 (EUR)

2 - 5SOS Cushion Pillowcase ; I saw this on Etsy and thought that it was so cool! This seller does all types of pillowcases for a decent price. They have ones of the boy's face and EP Artworks. This would make a nice gift for someone who likes to spend a lot of time in bed aka most teenagers!

Pillowcase from Etsy - starting price is £9.17

3 - If you ever go on Etsy and search 5SOS you will be overwhelmed by the selection of products you can get with 5SOS on it. The most recurring ones apart from tops is phone cases. There is such a selection of phone cases that I just couldn't pick one so I chose my top 3 phone cases. Each case can come in a selection of different phones e.g iPhones and Samsung Galaxy's.

4 - 5SOS 2015 Calendar is my next choice for a gift. Everyone loves a good calendar and why not have a new picture of 5SOS in your room every month? The 5SOS 2015 Calendar is currently available to buy from their merch store and at HMV stores :)

5SOS Calendar - £8.99
                       $14.99 (USD)
                       â‚¬11.99 (EUR)

5 - 5SOS Mug ; If you are like me and are obsessively addicted to tea then of course you want a mug with 5SOS on it, right? And obviously not only tea but coffee, hot chocolate or if you want it just to have! On Etsy again there are a wide selection of mugs associated with 5SOS but I liked this simple logo one with their names on the back. Obviously you can select from whichever name you prefer! Just imagine Christmas night by a fire, listening to your new 5SOS Live album sipping tea from this mug - heaven right? That's only if you haven't eaten too much turkey by then! 

5SOS Mug - £10.48

6 - 5SOS Temporary Tattoos ; I know these won't be everyone's cup of tea but I thought they were fun and quirky and would be something fun to give a friend? You can get the 5SOS tally tattoo like Ashton's that comes in a set of 6 or you can get a selection of the tattoos that 5SOS have that include Calum's 'MMXII' tattoo, and Michael's anchor tattoo, 'To the moon..' tattoo and his 'X' tattoo. These are just a fun idea and you can have the same tattoos as 5SOS for less pain, YAY! :'D

Tally tattoo - £2.62 (set of 6)

 Selection of 5SOS Tattoos - £2.62

I really hope you enjoyed these ideas for gifts for friends or to add to your own wishlist! :D I decided not to include any t-shirts because I know a lot of people will have thought of them so these are things that you might not have thought about to get :)

Leave a comment if you are planning to get any of these items or what is on your Christmas wishlist! :D 

If you liked this then tweet and share it with your friends to give them hints on what to buy you ;)

Until next time, 

5SOS Fam Connect :)


*DISCLAIMER* All currency conversions are estimated and may not reflect actual pricing. I am not sponsored.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

A New Chapter

Hey everyone!

If you aren't familiar with my old blog, then you won't know that I previously wrote all about the 5SOS DerpCon winners and their stories. Sadly now DerpCon is over, for this year anyway. We are unsure whether or not DerpCon was a one of thing and so I have decided to move forward with my blog because I realise I love writing on it so much. It is like my getaway from reality to be able to connect and share things with you all, and I hope you all enjoy reading it as well and it can be your getaway also :)

Anyway, moving on with what this blog will be all about now. Basically everything 5SOS. Together, we are going to create a space for all the 5SOS Fam to come and connect with each other and share our experiences and give our advice about being a 5SOS Fam member, and that is why I have changed the name of the blog to '5SOS FAM Connect.'

So what can you expect to read when you come on my blog, well every Monday I will do a Q & A topic session, so watch out on my Twitter for when I tweet about what the topic for the questions is going to be, for example it could be dealing with hate from other fandoms, how to save money for tickets/merch etc, concert advice etc and basically whatever questions you have on those topics I will try answer and then we can have a discussion in the comments and help each other out! :D

As well as Q & A Monday's, every Thursday I will also be uploading random blog posts revolving around 5SOS. That could range from music video reviews, recipe's that are 5SOS inspired, outfit ideas for concerts and what to bring with you to a concert etc. These will be miscellaneous and just a fun thing for you all to read about every Thursday.

I want this blog to always be positive. 5SOS Fam stick together and help each other out. I don't know of anyone else that writes a blog for the 5SOS fam so if you are having a rough time at the minute or just need something to cheer yourself up, I want this blog to be the place for you to come. You can read all the fun posts from Thursday's and also leave comments on Monday's posts where I know there will be a 5SOS Fam member willing to help you out!

I don't want this post to be to rambly and boring so I think I will just wrap it up here. I really am excited for the future of this blog and I hope you are too!!

Be sure to follow me on twitter and we can hang out and stuff!

Peace chicken grease nipples,

Lots of love, @5SOSFamDerpCon

P.s. If there does happen to be another DerpCon or event like it next yeDain because I enjoyed doing it SO much! :Dain because I enjoyed doing it SO much! :D

Friday, 14 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - USA (Road to DerpCon Game)

Hey everyone! Well this is it, the last DerpCon winners blog. Lets end on a high note shall we? :)

This is the story about the Road to DerpCon winner. The lucky and much deserving winner is Ellie, ( @happygoellie ) 

She explains how she was able to achieve the top score in the Road To DerpCon game and be the lucky winner for USA. 

"I remember when the contest was announced. I was in school and I was so determined to win. I played everyday for a few hours and I could just kinda do it well I suppose. I t was a fun game and the more I played the better I got. After around a month of playing the game I got the high score."

Props to Ellie for being so good at the game because lets face it, I sucked at it!! :'D

I asked her how she felt when she won the competition, "I was so excited when I won, I was crying so hard, my mom also cried because she was so proud of me! I didn't imagine that I could win, I've never won anything before because I am so unlucky!"

Ellie has saw 5SOS perform before at WWA tour but she has never met them before so she is really excited to finally get to meet them!

When asked what she was most looking forward to about DerpCon she responds, "I am most looking forward to hanging out with 5SOS and the other winners because they are all so nice and I finally get to meet my favourite band!"

She continues, "I never thought meeting them would be possible! I am just so thankful to be apart of DerpCon! I can't wait!"

Ellie didn't want her photograph to go in the blog so I asked her for her favourite picture of 5SOS,

I also think this picture depicts 5SOS image perfectly! haha and hopefully there will be pizza at DerpCon! ;)

So that's it everyone. I hope you have enjoyed this little blog about the winners, I have loved writing it! :D

Love you guys,


DerpCon Winner - Colombia

Hey everyone! Hope all is good in the Hood? ;)

Today I bring you the story of the Colombian DerpCon winner and the lucky winner was 15 year old Susana ( @h0ranftIrwin ) She explains to me what exactly she had to do in order to win this amazing prize! :)

"The competition here was about making a video showing what would I do to meet 5SOS. I went to the main park in my city and bathed myself in white paint and started singing and dancing to SLSP in front of everyone."

She continues, "In order to win, the video with the most votes and that was me!"

On how she was contacted to say she had won Susana explains, "A rep from Universal Music Colombia called me, I could barely hold myself together so I passed the phone to my mom and started crying because I couldn't believe it!"

On how she feels now Susana says, "I really don't know I am feeling. I can't believe that I am actually going. I am still in shock."

I asked Susana what she was most looking forward to about DerpCon and she told me, "Obviously meeting 5SOS and getting to do crazy stuff with them and also to meet the other winners because they are all so beautiful and nice people."

Susana has never met 5SOS before or even saw them live because she says "Artists never come to my country and 5SOS never have."

So this will be an amazing experience for Susana! :D

Congratulations Susana!! :D

Can you even believe that DerpCon is in 2 days and right now probably most of the winners are in LA?! Because I can't! It has came around so fast! :D

Tomorrow will be the last DerpCon winner's post but certainly after DerpCon I will be interviewing the winners again to talk about their whole experience :D

Lots of love,


Wednesday, 12 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - India

Hey guys! :)

Today on the blog is all about the Indian DerpCon winner and the chosen girl that gets to go to LA for DerpCon to represent India is 15 year old Simrat ( @simrat_5 ) She was kind enough to share her story with us all today :)

"So I had to dress up as my favourite superhero," She begins, "All that came to my mind was WonderWoman. I made the costume all myself with stuff I found at home, I used paper and a lot of tape!"

Simrat then explains to me how she found out that she was the winner, "I came home from class and received a call. At first I thought it was one of my friends but then they started going into the details and I almost froze! They asked me a few questions about the band and then finally told me I had won."

I asked Simrat how she reacted to being told she had won, "I started crying over the phone and after the call ended I didn't know what to do at all! It was one of the most mind boggling and heart pounding experiences I have ever had."

Simrat has never got to meet or see 5SOS before and says she is really looking forward to getting to meet them.

Simrat's winning costume :D

Congratulations to Simrat, who will have an awesome time going to DerpCon!

There are only a few more winner's to be put on here and then it will be DERPCON TIME! I can't wait!

Catch you guys later,

Love @5SOSFamDerpCon

Monday, 10 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - USA (Spotify)

Hello again everyone! :D

Today I bring you the winner for the USA Spotify playlist competition and it was lucky 14 year old Alison ( @pizzaloner ) who the competition! 

For this competition, entrants had to create a playlist using Spotify and the playlist had to include Amnesia. The winner was drawn at random and as Alison said, lucky for her to be chosen at random! :)

I asked Alison to tell me all about where she was when she was contacted and how she reacted, "They contacted me via email. I was in class at the time and couldn't wait to open it so I did and seconds later I was out of my chair screaming and crying that I won. I ended up getting yelled at but how could you not scream when you're gonna meet your idols?"

She has a point there, I think everyone would have reacted the same!

Alison continues on, "After class I looked like a crazy person screaming that I won through the halls and down the street!"

"Right now I am beyond excited and happy. I've been awake since 5am excited for what is to come!"

When I asked Alison what she was most looking forward to about DerpCon she replied, "I'm mostly looking forward to seeing them in real life and seeing them smile, because their smiles bring me happiness."

Alison has never met 5SOS before but has saw them live on the 1D tour.

Alison will join all the other winners at DerpCon in less than 1 week!

Ok everyone so this time next week DerpCon will be over, which is super sad but I am SO excited to see what they do at DerpCon and I bet you are too!! :D

Not that there are many left to go, but until the next winner,

love, @5SOSFamDerpCon 

Friday, 7 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - Norway

Hey guys! Hope you are all well :)

This post has been long overdue so I apologize but today is all about the Norway DerpCon winner and that lucky girl is Lottie ( @Accuratehemmo ) who is 15 years old.

Lottie explained her experience of winning to me in a series of posts that to be honest is way to long for me to re-write so I will just insert all the pictures she sent me of her story and also it is all so good I can't cut any of it out because it is such a beautiful story! :D

Hope you all don't mind the way I did this post but it was too long and too good of a story to cut any of it out! Here is Lottie's winning picture;

DerpCon is NEXT WEEK, so literally SO close and I can't wait!! :D

Until the next winner (not that there are many left!)


Thursday, 6 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - USA (MTV)

Hi everyone!

Bringing you all another DerpCon winner, this time the lucky winner is Maria ( @happxlyirwxn ) who is 19 years old. Maria won the MTV Vine competition and she told me all about her win;

She explains what the competition entailed, "We had to make a vine and in a creative way say why your best friend deserved to go to DerpCon."

If you guys are interested to see Maria's vine you can click here to watch it :D

Maria tells me all about that moment when she was told she as the winner, "It was funny actually, me and my friend (Nicole) that I entered the contest with were waiting outside in line for the Hoodie Allen concert and I got a notification saying MTV had followed me and they also had followed Nicole as well. We didn't want to get our hopes up right then as we wanted to enjoy the concert."

She continues on, "We were standing at the Merch line by now and Nicole suggested I check twitter quickly, so I did and saw that MTV had DMed me!"

Maria then went on to explain how she reacted in that moment; "I just started bawling and shaking and I showed her the message and she starting screaming and hitting me! The entire night we kept looking at each other in shock and we couldn't even concentrate on the concert!"

"Ever since, none of us have been able to sleep or eat properly! There isn't anything in the world that makes us happier than these boys and they're a huge reason as to why we became friends."

I asked Maria what she was most looking forward to about DerpCon, she responds; "Seeing our boys (duh!) meeting all the international fans and making new friends and seeing their show at the Forum. Going to the Forum has always been on my bucket list, so it is so surreal."

Maria and her friend have been lucky to have seen and met the boys before but this will be even more incredible for them both!

Congratulations to Maria and her friend Nicole who she is taking! :D

Until the next winner,


DerpCon Winner - Philippines (#2)

Welcome back to the blog everyone! Hope you are all doing well? :)

A couple of days ago I posted about the first Philippine DerpCon winner and luckily I was able to get in contact with the second one as well and she agreed to answer some of my questions for the blog!

The lucky 2nd Philippine winner is 13 year old Liz ( @lizsunga ) Like before, the entrants had to post a picture or video to Instagram around the song lyric from SLSP "Your lipstick stain is a work of art" Liz explained to me what she and her friend did for their entry;

"We went to a local park and had a small meet up/picnic/party with some street kids. We played games, had food and taught them SLSP. We made a video summarizing what we did and we labeled the kids' smiles as the art itself because nothing can beat the art of moments and smiles."

This entry was so unique in my opinion and truly deserves the recognition it got! :) 

Liz then told me all about how she found out that she had won and that she was going to DerpCon, "My mom was the first to find out. We were in a restaurant after school and she was like 'Sh!t' and I was like 'OMG what?' and then said 'You won!' I started crying right there, I cried for a solid half hour and rang all my friends and family."

"Right now I am in so much shock to even comprehend what is happening! I'm slightly stressed too as there is so much to get ready before going and so little time!"

I asked Liz what she was most looking forward to about DerpCon and she said, "I'm looking forward to having fun with the fam and meeting 5SOS! Not to mention the scenery of LA too!"

Liz has saw 5SOS perform before but having the experience of being one of the select few winners of DerpCon will be amazing!

Until the next time,

Keep derping! @5SOSFamDerpCon

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - Spain

Hola everyone (I feel that is appropriate since this post is all about the Spanish DerpCon winner!)

So as you know now, Spain chose it's lucky DerpCon winner and that person was 17 year old Nuria ( @beside5sosx ) She told me everything that happened when she was chosen as the DerpCon winner to represent Spain :D

For the competition Nuria tells me; "I had to tweet my most emotional moment with 5sos with the hashtag #5SOSDERPCONSPAIN. I wrote many tweets so I don't know which one they chose but I think it probably was the one with a vine where all my family was singing Wherever You Are for my cousin's birthday and I had to teach it all to them to surprise her." 

When told that she was the winner, Nuria explains to me; "The radio station called me and told me I was the winner and I couldn't even speak because I was crying."

On how she feels now, Nuria tells me; "I feel so lucky, this is the most important thing that has ever happened to me, I still can't believe it."

Nuria has been lucky enough to see 5SOS twice before. One at the airport when they came for 5countries5days and another when they were there for WWAT and they did a signing. Nuria told me; "I hope I get to tell them how much they mean to me and how much they have helped me."

I hope you get to tell them that too Nuria because you are such a deserving winner!

The lucky winner - Nuria

Congratulations once again, I know that you will have a brilliant time along with all the other winners!

Until the next winner,


DerpCon Winner - Philippines (#1)

HELLO! Literally DerpCon is in 7 days and if that doesn't excite you then maybe reading about the Philippines DerpCon winner might!! :D

There are two winners from the Philippines and I was lucky to chat with one of them and that lucky girl was 17 year old Barbara ( @BarbaraJance ) (she also added that she will be 18 on the 28th of November, 1 week and a day after Michael's 19th birthday! :D ) 

Barbara explained to me what she and her friend had to do to enter DerpCon, "We had to either make an instagram video or photo inspired by the SLSP lyric 'Your lipstick stain is a work of art.' but add a Filipino twist to it! Along with it we had to add a description as to why we (best friend and I ) deserved to win."

I asked Barbara to tell me how she reacted when she found out that she had won, "The company sent me a text, just before hand I had sent a tweet saying how even being in the top 10 finalists was so surreal for me, so when I got that text time sorta slowed down and it took me a while before I started to scream because I was in so much shock!"

She continues, "In that moment I dashed down the stairs (almost falling over!) ran out of my house barefoot to my friends house (she lives about 20 seconds away) and I screamed her name and rang her doorbell like 10 billion times and then finally told her and for like the next hour we just screamed!"

"How I feel right now is indescribable! Just typing, my hands are shaking! I'm so grateful this happened."

I asked Barbara what she and her friend were most looking forward to about DerpCon and she said, "We can't wait to hear the album live! We've heard the songs forever and to finally hear it live with the boys playing their instruments is just out of this world!"

You can check out Barbara's winning entry on her instagram, here is a screenshot from it - 

Barbara has never met or saw 5SOS perform before so this experience will be extra special for her! :D

Congratulations to Barbara and her friend Alexis who she is taking with her :)

Until next time,


Ps. I can't believe DerpCon is NEXT WEEK! And that these blog posts will be ending soon! :(

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - Finland

Hi all, hope everything is going good with you? :)

Finland DerpCon winner was chosen recently and that person was lucky 19 year old Tiia! I got to chat with her all about her experience of winning :)

She tells me about her competition, "We had to make a 15 second long video doing something crazy. I decided to go swimming because it is freaking cold here in Finland!"

She explains to me what happened when she was told she was the winner; "I got a call from NRJ saying I had won and they played it on the radio. I was on my way to work and all my friends were looking at me when I was crying."

I asked her what she was most looking forward to about DerpCon and she told me; "I can't wait to meet all the other winners! I love meeting people who have the same music taste, it brings people together."

Tiia tells me how she is feeling now about winning; "I just can't believe that I have really won. It feels weird that a girl like me has won something this huge!"

Tiia has never met or saw 5SOS perform before so this will be her first 5SOS gig and she is so excited!!

Congratulations to Tiia for winning your DerpCon competition!

DerpCon is literally so close now and I can't wait to see what happens at it!

Until the next winner, love you guys!


Monday, 3 November 2014

DerpCon Winner - Holland (MTV)

Hi everyone, hope you are all well?

Sorry I was inactive over the weekend but it was Halloween and there was so many things that I went to that I didn't get time to update but anyway hope everyone had a great weekend! :D

MTV Holland held a DerpCon competition and the lucky winner was 20 year old Demi ( @dxmistyles ) and she was happy enough to share with us all her story :)

For this competition, entrants had to Photoshop themselves into a picture from 5SOS Instagram or Facebook, this is the winning picture that Demi submitted;

When I asked Demi to explain what happened when she won, she tells me; "I was at home putting together my new closet with my parents. I got a FB message saying MTV wanted my phone number. 5 minutes later they called me and told me that I had won, I was shaking so much, I couldn't believe it! The woman on the phone told me to listen and then freak out after, when she hung up I started crying."

After the shock of being told she had won, Demi tells me how she feels now after it has sunk in; "It's still really hard to believe that I have won! I keep thinking they are messing with me but then I see the emails and flight info and it's so unreal but it makes me so happy."

Demi has been lucky enough to see 5SOS perform 6 times during the WWA tour. She also got to meet them once before at an airport in Holland however she says her pictures didn't turn out good due to mobbing.

Demi also told me the thing that makes her happy about winning is that she gets to take her friend with her as her plus 1. She told me; "I called her and she had no idea. I asked her if she had anything planned for November 15/16 and she was so confused! Then I told her about winning DerpCon and if she wanted to join me. It makes me so happy to see how happy she is about it as well.  I am just so happy and excited and I can't even express in words how much this means to us!"

Congratulations to Demi and her friend who join all the other lovely DerpCon winners. 

Only less than 2 weeks to go everyone until DerpCon and we still have some winners to be announced!! 

Until next time,


PS. Recently again, hate towards DerpCon winners is becoming an issue and I just want to say that this is not acceptable in any way and is in fact a form of cyber bulling. Please don't participate in any of the hate or listen to any of the comments that people may tweet. Thank you :)

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

DerpCon Winner - Brazil

Hello again everyone! :)

Another DerpCon winner was chosen recently and it was the lucky Mariana 
( @imtriplex ) who is 21 years old and she will be representing Brazil at DerpCon in LA on November 16th! :D

I got the chance to chat with her and talk all about her experience of winning! :) She tells me; "To enter the competition we had to make a 5 second video showing our love for 5SOS. I made a stop motion of myself skateboarding, running and paddling to get to Hollywood to see the 5SOS concert."

Some snapshots of Mariana's video
When she found out she had won, Mariana tells me; "I heard my name on the radio, I didn't know if what I heard was true or not! 

She continues, "First, I got very anxious and thought I was going to be sick. My friend called me and I couldn't speak properly!"

On how she feels now about the prospect of going to DerpCon, Mariana tells me, "I am very excited! Especially because we don't know anything about DerpCon, like where it is going to be! And I can't wait to meet the boys and especially seeing them perform as they have never been to Brazil before!"

Mariana is the 16th DerpCon winner (that I have been able to get in contact with!) So congratulations to her! :D

DerpCon is literally just around the corner, so watch out as more winners will be unveiled in the coming week!

Until next time, 

Love, @5SOSFamDerpCon