G'day mates (I thought I would get in the spirit of Australia Day) Welcome back to my blog, or if it's your first time on my blog then HEY hope you're good! We all have to admit that at one time or another we have caught ourselves in a daydream thinking about 5SOS, right? (well at least I have anyway) and so with that in mind I decided to take you all on a journey to imagination land where we will experience my dream 5SOS concert. And also will all the recent drama that's been circulating it will also be a good getaway. Now in all honesty if I could have it my way there would be no one else in the crowd except for me but I thought that was a bit selfish so hey you're all invited! So grab a cup of tea (or whatever you fancy) and come join me in 5SOS land. Let's start with the fact that clearly it would be free and everyone would get to go so there would be no one left disappointed that they didn't get tickets. Obviously I would be front row so tough luck if you aren't up there beside me...ok just kidding you can all imagine yourselves in the front row too ;) Before the concert starts everyone would get a free pizza because we would all be starving from standing in the queue outside all day and it would just be a nice gesture, 5SOS take notes ;) The boys would come on stage (naked..jk but that would be awesome) They would sing every single song of theirs that they have ever recorded, including all the old ones such as I've Got This Friend, Over and Over, Unpredictable, Gotta Get Out (read my previous post for all the underrated songs that I would want them to sing - http://5sosfamconnect.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/underrated-5sos-songs.html ) Ashton would of course do a 20 minute drum solo at the front of the stage because I feel like his talents are so under-appreciated and he deserves the attention also he would do it at the front because then I'd be able to get his attention unlike when he is sat at the back of the stage ;)
There would of course be fire and flames and we would all laugh as Luke would try to not catch his hair on fire. Obviously the concert will be filled with many of Luke's high kicks and plenty of in-sync jumps. Ashton would also come to the front of stage and sing pizza 5 times throughout the night because lets face it, it is hot af and that song is my religion and it should be yours too. They would also then take around 20 minutes to sing some acoustic songs because when they sing acoustically it is like angels from above have came upon us all and we would all have a spiritual experience. Included in that would be Wherever You Are and Wrapped Around Your Finger (Michael's solo, that is all) I would honestly sell my family to see 5SOS perform acoustically, sorry mum.
The night long concert would then end with them coming off the stage and just hanging out with the fans for the rest of the night at an after party (the legal aged fans anyway) but don't worry if you're underage I'll sneak you in ;) I shall leave the rest of the night to your imagination, keep it clean ;) haha I didn't want to make this post too long because I would probably bore you all with the ideas that my mind comes up with sometimes! 5SOS Updates - I decided that I'm going to add this segment to the end of every blog post kinda as an update of everything that is currently going on with 5SOS and you all can leaver your opinions in the comments! :D
So first of it was Calum's birthday yesterday and of course him and Luke went out for the night (as any 19 year old boy should do) and yeah they partied it up in Aussie land.
Pictures emerged of Ashton in LA and of course speculations were high as to why he is there, nothing has come of substance so we wait (don't believe rumours until they are confirmed people!)
And lastly Michael is still not been sighted anywhere, some thought he might have gone to LA with Ashton but then someone said Luke told them he wasn't in LA so yeah he's probably still hibernating in his man cave, casual.
5SOS are scheduled to perform in Japan on February 25th so until then I don't know what they will be doing, maybe writing for the next album in LA?
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Remember to leave a comment what your dream 5SOS concert would include and tweet and share this post! :D Until next Monday, @5SOSFamDerpCon (come and hang with me on Twitter!) *Disclaimer - I do not own any of the pictures in the above post, no copyright intended. All opinions are my own, they belong to my imagination ;) *
Hey guys! It is pretty clear that 5SOS have a LOT of songs in their repertoire and it would be impossible for them to perform them all in one concert (although I would definitely pay my life savings to go to that concert!) and therefore that means that there are a lot of songs that just get left under the rug and we never get to hear them live, or in some cases we hear them live and they bring out new songs (which don't get me wrong is great) but they leave other beloved songs to die, and no one wants that to happen! With this thought in mind I took to Twitter and asked you what you thought were some underrated 5SOS songs so that I could now reincarnate them back into your life or something along those lines! 1. The first song in my opinion that is totally underrated and I NEED them to perform at ROWYSO is If You Don't Know. I literally think I tweet about how much I love this song at least once a week and it is definitely one of my favourites. This song was on the Don't Stop EP, which just in general was an amazing EP. 5SOS have never performed this song live and in my opinion is has just sort of been forgotten about and many people don't even know it exists! Let me break it down as to why it is one of my favourites. Firstly Calum's solo, no more needs to be said on that apart from HOW? The lyrics are perfection and the song just gets me all emotional. If they did sing this on tour although it would be amazing I would most likely be an emotional wreck because this song means so much to me! All in all I just really like the song, as does a lot of people so 5SOS if you see this SING IT ON TOUR PLEASE!! "If You Don't Know" - this was the best version I could find, although it has been slowed down. :( 2. Secondly, a lot of people said that Over and Over was one of their favourite 5SOS songs. 5SOS used to perform this song when they were on tour with 1D and a lot at acoustic shows etc and I was lucky to get to see them perform this when they were just little fetus' back in 2013 however now they don't perform it and honestly I don't know why not because it is such a beautiful song that a lot of people love. It was also one of the first songs of theirs I heard so it does have a special place in my heart (ew cheesy) "Over and Over" - watch them perform the acoustically back in 2013, bless them and their fetus ways! 3. Wherever You Are. If you don't know this song, seriously you need to listen to it. I honestly didn't think I could love them much more but when they realised this song I literally grew a bigger heart just to hold my love for them and this song. The video for the song especially makes me cry because it shows their journey as a band with the fam and it is such a beautifully (is that a word?) written song and once again Calum's solo is just heart melting. Also in the description they put
"We made this video just for YOU for a song we wrote called 'Wherever You Are'. the video looks back on some of the memories we've shared with the 5SOS fam since it all started in 2011 :) x"
And if that doesn't make you love them anymore than you already do then I don't know what will because they are just perfect and I could go on forever about how much I love them so I'll stop there! But I need to see them sing this live at least once in my life and then I can die happily. "Wherever You Are" - Listen to it, change your life. There are honestly way too many underrated 5SOS songs for me to talk about and every answer on Twitter was a different song so I will leave links to some of the suggestions below and check them out if you haven't heard them before because I think every 5SOS song is amazing (not being biased at all) "All I Need" "Gotta Get Out" "Everything I Want" "The Only Reason" "Social Casualty" "Close As Strangers" "Mrs All American" "Unpredictable" "Rejects" The old version of "Beside You" *Disclaimer, I do not own any of the rights to the above video links or pictures, no copyright intended. All opinions are my own.* Sorry some the links are live and have screaming but hey welcome to the struggle of a 5SOS fan from 2012/3! And for the fact some of the audio is sped up/slowed down, there wasn't anything I could do¬ :( Also, can we just laugh at their fashion sense back in the days of 2012...sorry but I had to. Hopefully you've found some new 5SOS songs you love or some that you had forgotten about and now I have you addicted again, I apologize! (not really!) Until next time! @5SOSFamDerpCon (come socialize with me!) PS, leave me comments with what you want to see next on by blog! I can't wait for the tour to start because I have so many post ideas!! PPS. Can we talk about how Ashton shaved his beard? What an actual tragedy! Tweet me and share my pain with this loss.
Hey guys! How are you all doing? :) Today I bring you the Mexico DerpCon winner and the lucky girl is 17 year old Paulina ( @PaulinaPR97 ) She was kind enough to talk with me and explain all about her win :) Mexico's competition for DerpCon was ran by Telehit, the music channel and what you had to do was make a 30 second creative video showing a super power and upload it to YouTube. This is Paulina's winning video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gzWYDB-2hs&index=1&list=UUhSGkxmDF5INM3B8V0QaiOQ
I asked Paulina to describe everything that happened from how she found out about winning and the lead up to it, "I saw a tweet saying they were announcing the winner on the Friday, so on the Friday I got out of school as fast as I could so I could get home on time for the announcement. I was watching the TV when they said they were announcing the winner in a few minutes when I received a call and they told me 'you're gonna be on the air in a few minutes.' Paulina then describes how she reacted, "I looked at my cousin and mom and started jumping. They then showed my video on the TV saying that I was the winner of DerpCon and burst into tears. They started asking me questions and I was so overwhelmed I just said whatever came to my mind!" On how she is feeling now, Paulina tells me, "I feel overwhelmed and super excited because this is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I get to spend it with my best friend and mom, what else could I ask for?" When asked what she is most looking forward to about DerpCon, Paulina responds, "I'm really excited for everything that involves DerpCon! Meeting them and taking pictures, the show, traveling with my best friend and getting to know fans from all around the world and making new friends!" Paulina saw 5SOS perform at the One Direction concert in Arizona but has never met them so this is going to be an amazing experience for her! DerpCon is in 3 days everyone, be prepared! :D Until the next time, love; @5SOSFamDerpCon
Hi everyone! I didn't want to start 2015 with a negative post but due to recent events over the past weekend on Twitter and Instagram etc within the 5SOS fam I thought it would be appropriate to give you all my opinion and hopefully maybe you will see things from a different perspective. Firstly, if you have no clue what has been going on in 5SOS land recently, the boys have been in Australia having a well deserved break but then this weekend Calum and Luke decided to go out with a few friends to some parties and the inevitable happened - they got piss drunk and some pictures emerged around social media of Calum with some girls. After seeing this, some of the fans overreacted and took things way overboard and now well Twitter is a mess. (mine is anyway!) Now, if you are mature enough then you will look at the above scenario and think "What is the problem?" and I totally agree with you. The members of 5SOS age ranges from 18-20. If they were not 'famous' and still lived in Australia, then more than likely going out and drinking would be a normal weekly occurrence for them. Where I live boys and girls (including myself) who are this age group go out with friends 3/7 days in a week to drink and party but just because 5SOS have been labelled as idols and celebrities it is a much bigger deal for them to be doing this which I find really bizarre because they hardly ever get to go home and see their friends and so when they do I think we should leave them be to do the normal things which they are missing out on when they are away from home. In the end, we should really be staying out of their personal lives and let them do what they wanna do, it is their life after all, we don't have control over them. It's not like what they are doing is illegal. Since we have cleared up that them drinking is ok lets move on to the bigger problem - the girls. I personally do not have a problem if any of the boys have girlfriends, one night stands, groupies or even just friends that are girls. Again, it is their life not any of ours. (unless you are the girl, then yay for you!) I don't feel it necessary to freak the shit out whenever I see a picture of any of the boys with a girl, again it would just be like me posting a picture with a boy - totally normal in society but because of 'who they are' people take things way out of proportion. When I see fans posting hate directed towards these girls and specifically over the past weekend it actually makes me embarrassed for their lives. The people sending hate to those girls need to actually grow up and move on because in all honesty what are the chances that you posting the hate will change anything? Truth be told, the chance is ZERO. You, again, have no control over who the boys hang out with, who they are friends with or who they have relationships with. It is none of your business. If any of the boys were to see that you were posting hate to their friends more than likely you will get blocked by them or even called out by them and really if that happens then people will just start to hate on you which I am sure you do not want. However, I have saw that over the weekend when some of the boys' girl - friends got some hate sent to them (which should never have happened in the first place) the girls got really over-defensive and to me, they could have handled it way better. Here is a snapshot of how one of the girls responded to a comment on her instagram -
After reading this, you will see that clearly this would upset a lot of the fam/fans because basically it is saying that we have no lives and are pathetic people for supporting 5SOS. I found this extremely rude and really disrespectful. This girl, although I don't know her personally or know if she is a close friend of the boys, was trying to stick up for herself but that didn't go down too well because she upset a lot more people than those who were upset about the picture. She talks about people bullying her friend when in actual fact I find that she is now bullying us by using such verbal comments. I would like to hope that if Luke or Calum were to see this they would speak to the girl privately or something and tell her that that is no way to talk to people because in the end fans are people too with feelings believe it or not and seeing something like this could in actual fact tip some people over the edge. Also if this was for more attention from one of the boys or to get 'popular' or something ridiculous then I just have to laugh at her effort because honestly no one will want to be friends with someone who says such vile comments to people. I just want to finish with the fact that if unnecessary drama like this continues it will only pull the fam and the boys further apart. This is a whole other topic but the boys are more distant from their fans recently and it will only get worse if this sort of behaviour from us continues.
I want to finish on a positive note, so just keep supporting the boys and their music and please try to not get into this drama and leave the boys to live their own lives outside of the music when they get the chance to do so.
Hope you have a wonderful year and continue to support 5SOS through thick and thin.
love you guys, @5SOSFamDerpCon
Follow me on twitter and tell me your comments and thoughts on the whole thing and lets have a conversation :)
*Just to disclaim that these opinions are my own which I am entitled to, don't come hating on me if you do not agree although I am open to constructive counter arguments.*